When your roof suffers damage from fire, wind or hail, your homeowners insurance may cover the cost of a replacement. But before filing a Georgetown roof damage insurance claim, Roofer you trust.

Anderson Roofing and Construction offers free, no obligation inspections. We will do a full and complete assessment on your roof, plus provide photos of the problem areas. This way, you can send this information to your insurance company. To get the ball rolling, schedule your roof inspection today.

Does Insurance Typically Cover Roof Damage?

Your homeowners insurance may cover a replacement, depending on what caused the roof damage. Typically, these policies cover sudden and accidental damage from wind, fire or hail. However, you must be able to prove that the damage was from the storm and not something else, like a lack of maintenance.
Here are the perils that you can usually file a roof damage insurance claim in Georgetown TX for:
  • Fire and smoke
  • Explosions
  • Lightning
  • Hail and windstorms
  • Falling objects
  • Excess weight from snow

Tips for Filing a Georgetown Roof Damage Insurance Claim     

Because we do not have an insurance license, we cannot legally practice insurance. But, we are knowledgeable in the insurance claims process, and we can explain the process to you. Because the process can be complex, some companies use this to their advantage. We will not. We take pride in being an honest, ethical company that watches out for our customers.

When filing a roof damage insurance claim in Georgetown TX, we do recommend the following:

  • Review your insurance policy. It’s important to know what is and what is not covered.
  • Assess damage from ground level. Do a quick assessment of your own. Do you notice any roof damage, or damage to your home?
  • Gather several estimates. Anderson Roofing and Construction provides a complete and accurate assessment for free. You can share this with the insurance company.
  • File your claim promptly. Most insurance policies require you to file a claim within one year from the storm.
  • Keep all documentation. Take note of all correspondences. This will help in case insurance denies the claim.

Filing a Georgetown roof damage insurance claim can be a relatively simple process when you have your ducks in a row. Contact Anderson Roofing and Construction for a free inspection and a quality replacement.